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Home > Coronavirus > Antibodies-Proteins-cDNAs

Coronavirus Antibodies, Proteins, cDNAs

LSBio offers antibodies, proteins, and cDNAs specific to coronavirus proteins and host proteins involved in coronavirus disease progression. Reagents for investigating SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV, MERS, and HCoV coronavirus structural and non-structural proteins, as well as coronavirus-interacting host proteins such as ACE2, TMPRSS2, Cathepsin, and ADAM17 are available and approved for use in multiple applications. We have a wide selection of related recombinant proteins, native proteins, and over-expression lysates. Furthermore, we provide expression-ready ORF cDNA clones to coronavirus genes of prominent research interest.

Coronavirus Antibodies, Proteins, cDNAs



LSBio offers over 150 antibodies to structural and non-structural coronavirus proteins, including antibodies for the detection of the spike (S), nucleocapsid (N), and envelope (E) proteins of both SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2. We also offer antibodies which detect human proteins known to interact with coronaviruses or to contribute to COVID-19 disease progression. Many of our antibodies are available in multiple conjugated forms and are designed for use in a range of assays including ELISA, IHC, Western Blot, IF, and Flow Cytometry.

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Recombinant Proteins

Recombinant Proteins

View LSBio’s library of high-quality recombinant coronavirus proteins, produced in a variety of expression systems and ready for use in functional assays, high throughput screens, structural analysis studies, and a variety of other applications. Full length recombinant proteins to SARS-CoV-2 structural proteins are available for your COVID-19 research needs.

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Expression-Ready ORF cDNA Clones

Expression-Ready ORF cDNA Clones

LSBio offers expression-ready ORF clones to a range of coronavirus genes intended for immediate transfection. SARS-CoV-2 clones are available for stable or transient mammalian and lentiviral expression.

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All Antibodies, Proteins, and cDNA Products

☰ Filters
Antibodies (999+)
Proteins (999+)
Native (2)
Over-Expression Cell Culture Supernatant (7)
Over-Expression Lysate (89)
Primary (999+)
Recombinant (999+)
Secondary (24)
ACE2 / ACE-2 (116)
Adalimumab (1)
ADAM17 / TACE (90)
ANPEP / CD13 (164)
Basigin / Emmprin / CD147 (2)
BCoV Nucleoprotein (1)
BCoV Spike (12)
CCL2 / MCP1 (292)
CCL3 / MIP-1-Alpha (170)
CCoV (6)
CCoV Nucleoprotein (1)
CD119 / IFNGR1 (86)
Coronavirus (1)
Coronavirus OC43 (6)
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 NSP1 (leader) protein (1)
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 NSP10 protein (1)
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 NSP13 (Helicase) protein (1)
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 NSP14 (exonuclease) protein (1)
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 NSP2 protein (1)
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 NSP7 protein (1)
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 NSP8 protein (1)
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 ORF3a Protein (3)
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 ORF6 Protein (1)
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 ORF7a Protein (1)
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 ORF8 Protein (1)
CoV HKU1 Spike Glycoprotein (3)
CoV OC43 Nucleoprotein (6)
CoV OC43 Spike Glycoprotein (4)
CSF3 / G-CSF (166)
CTSB / Cathepsin B (98)
CTSL / Cathepsin L (135)
CXCL10 / IP-10 (128)
DPP4 / CD26 (173)
FCoV (3)
HE / Hemagglutinin-Esterase (1)
HPV16 E7 (3)
HPV18 E7 (5)
Human IgA + IgG + IgM (3)
Human IgG (1)
Human IgG Fab (5)
Human IgG Fc (1)
Human IgG1 Fc (3)
Human IgG3 (1)
Human IgG3 Fab'2 (1)
Human IgG4 (1)
Human IgG4 Fc (1)
Human IgM (1)
Human IgM Fc (5)
IFN Gamma / Interferon Gamma (498)
IgG2 Fab (1)
IL-10 (233)
IL17 (90)
IL17A (140)
IL17D (67)
IL18 (197)
IL1A / IL-1 Alpha (287)
IL-1B / IL-1 Beta (394)
IL1F10 (46)
IL1R1 (172)
IL2 (298)
IL2RA / CD25 (293)
IL2RB / CD122 (127)
IL2RG / CD132 (87)
IL37 (58)
IL6 / Interleukin 6 (384)
IL8 / Interleukin 8 (335)
IRF3 (122)
ISG15 (73)
MERS-CoV Nucleoprotein (4)
MERS-CoV S1 (3)
MERS-CoV S2 (2)
MERS-CoV Spike (4)
NALP3 / NLRP3 (59)
SARS-CoV + CoV-2 Envelope (1)
SARS-CoV + CoV-2 Nucleoprotein (1)
SARS-CoV + CoV-2 Spike (1)
SARS-CoV E2 Protein (2)
SARS-CoV Envelope (4)
SARS-CoV M Protein (4)
SARS-CoV Matrix (7)
SARS-CoV NSP3b (2)
SARS-CoV Nucleoprotein (15)
SARS-CoV Spike Glycoprotein (40)
SARS-CoV-2 3C-like Proteinase (2)
SARS-CoV-2 Envelope (2)
SARS-CoV-2 M Glycoprotein (1)
SARS-CoV-2 Nucleoprotein (30)
SARS-CoV-2 Orf1ab Polyprotein (5)
SARS-CoV-2 S1 (13)
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Glycoprotein (33)
Spike Protein S1 (2)
TGEV / Porcine Coronavirus (5)
TLR10 (1)
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin (42)
TNF Alpha (562)
tnfa (2)
Human (999+)
Mouse (999+)
Rat (744)
African green monkey (6)
Baboon (3)
Bat (7)
Bovine (194)
Bovine Coronavirus (15)
C. elegans (3)
Canine Coronavirus (9)
Cat (9)
Chicken (104)
Chimpanzee (25)
Coronavirus (3)
Coronavirus HKU1 (3)
Coronavirus MERS (5)
Coronavirus MERS EMC/2012 (7)
coronavirus OC43 (1)
Coronavirus SARS-CoV (76)
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (55)
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Nucleoprotein (1)
Cow (88)
Cynomolgus (19)
Dog (236)
E. coli (1)
Feline Coronavirus (4)
Feline Infectious Peritonitis Virus (1)
Ferret (5)
Ferret Coronavirus (2)
Gibbon (33)
Goat (33)
Guinea pig (88)
Hamster (1)
Horse (136)
Human Coronavirus (1)
Human Coronavirus OC43 (15)
Human Papillomavirus 18 (5)
Mammal (4)
Monkey (129)
Monkey-Cynomolgus (3)
Monkey-Rhesus (12)
Mustelid (4)
Non-Human Primate (6)
Non-Human Primates (12)
Orangutan (9)
Pig (221)
Pig-tailed macaque (1)
Porcine Coronavirus (5)
Primate (13)
Rabbit (139)
Rainbow trout (9)
Rhesus monkey (69)
Sheep (118)
Sooty Mangabey (1)
Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus (3)
Virus (3)
Zebrafish (6)
IHC (825)
IHC-Fr (124)
IHC-P (356)
WB (999+)
Flo (716)
Bind (9)
Block (11)
ChrIP (1)
DB (13)
Depl (1)
ELISA (999+)
FLISA (10)
Func (85)
GICA (3)
ICC (205)
ID (10)
IF (263)
IHC-Fx (1)
Immuno-MRM (1)
Inhb (3)
IP (342)
Neut (190)
Peptide-ELISA (73)
PLA (1)
RIA (27)
Stim (1)
SwELISA (20)
rabbit (999+)
mouse (999+)
goat (83)
chicken (7)
guinea pig (65)
hamster (4)
hamster-armenian (1)
human (32)
pig (3)
rat (304)
sheep (5)
Product Group
All Coronavirus Proteins (48)
Antibodies to Coronavirus-Associated Targets (897)
Anti-Coronavirus Antibodies (104)
Anti-Human Immunoglobulin (IgG/IgM) Antibodies (24)
Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Specific Antibodies (56)
Coronavirus Antibodies Proteins cDNAs (999+)
Coronavirus Disease Inhibition (49)
Cytokine Release Syndrome (999+)
Cytokine Release Syndrome Antibodies (999+)
Cytokine Release Syndrome Proteins (953)
Humanized anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies (30)
IHCPlus (75)
Papillomaviridae (8)
PathPlus Cancer (4)
PathPlus Cancer Pathology (1)
PathPlus Neuro (8)
PathPlus Other (4)
SARS-CoV-2 Associated Proteins (115)
SARS-CoV-2 Proteins (46)
Ig (5)
IgD (2)
IgG (999+)
IgG,k (1)
IgG1 (564)
IgG1,k (240)
IgG2a (154)
IgG2a,k (159)
IgG2b (81)
IgG2b,k (202)
IgG3 (4)
IgG4,k (1)
IgM (24)
IgM,k (15)
IgY (3)
Mouse scFv fusion with human IgG1 Fc (2)
monoclonal mc (999+)
polyclonal pc (999+)
recombinant monoclonal rmc (40)
003 (3)
007 (4)
009 (4)
011 (2)
03 (2)
06 (3)
08 (3)
10 (2)
11 (2)
11D7 (2)
121 (2)
134-2C2 (5)
143-13 (2)
144 (3)
17 (4)
1A6 (2)
1A7B8 (2)
202.36 (8)
22A5 (9)
2D8 (3)
3C7 (8)
3E12 (3)
4C6-H8 (3)
4C9 (3)
4H1524.1 (3)
4S.B3 (8)
5H4 (25)
6D4 (4)
7D4 (8)
7G7B6 (10)
8D5 (3)
9A2 (3)
A9 (8)
ANC2E11 (4)
B27 (10)
BA5b (9)
BC96 (13)
BL168 (3)
BVD11-37G10 (3)
BVD13-3A5 (4)
C1 (15)
C10 (8)
C12 (8)
C13 (8)
C3 (8)
C6 (8)
C8 (6)
CC302 (5)
CD25-3G10 (4)
CP-L14 (3)
CSF3/900 (3)
ER-BMDM1 (3)
F1 (3)
F14 (3)
G-23 (7)
GF1 (4)
GR-20 (7)
IL-A111 (3)
J1D9 (7)
J2D10 (3)
JES3-9D7 (3)
JES5-16E3 (7)
JES6-1A12 (4)
JES6-5H4 (13)
MAb1 (6)
MAb11 (7)
MEM-140 (4)
MEM-181 (13)
MNA1 (3)
MP5-20F3 (12)
MP5-32C11 (4)
MP6-XT22 (5)
MP6-XT3 (4)
MQ1-17H12 (6)
MQ2-13A5 (6)
MRC OX-39 (5)
NI 132 (HP 6186) (3)
OTI1C7 (4)
OTI2C9 (3)
OTI2G3 (4)
OTI5A5 (3)
OX-39 (3)
OX-61 (4)
P4A10 (3)
PC61.5.3 (8)
PC-61.5.3 (21)
PRPN2-1 (3)
R3-63 (4)
T1 (3)
T3 (4)
TC11-18H10 (3)
TC11-18H10.1 (6)
TC11-8H4 (3)
TNF706 + P/T2 (3)
TNFA/1172 (3)
TS106 (3)
TU27 (7)
WM15 (20)
XMG1.2 (14)
YTH 906.9HL (5)
AF488 Conjugated (6)
AF647 Conjugated (5)
Animal-free (19)
AP Conjugated (7)
APC (249)
APC Conjugated (383)
Azide-free (91)
Biotin Conjugated (622)
BSA-free (25)
Carrier-free (58)
CF Conjugated (1)
Concentrated (30)
Cy3 Conjugated (249)
Cy5 Conjugated (5)
Cy5.5 (3)
Cy5.5 Conjugated (5)
Cy7 Conjugated (256)
DY488 Conjugated (2)
DY550 Conjugated (2)
DY650 Conjugated (2)
Fab'2 (1)
Fc (1)
FITC Conjugated (541)
HRP Conjugated (446)
Liquid (8)
Low Endotoxin (26)
Lyophilized (8)
Magnetic beads Conjugated (8)
PE (17)
PE Conjugated (428)
PerCP Conjugated (11)
Preservative Free (147)
Ready-to-Use (7)
RPE Conjugated (18)
Sepharose Conjugated (7)
Serum (3)
SPRD Conjugated (2)
TC Conjugated (1)
Unconjugated (999+)
aa23-101 (67)
aa24-166 (59)
aa19-178 (56)
Internal (53)
aa21-153 (40)
aa22-98 (40)
aa77-233 (40)
aa37-193 (38)
aa80-235 (37)
C-Terminus (36)
aa24-92 (36)
aa24-99 (35)
N-Terminus (34)
aa23-156 (34)
aa25-211 (26)
aa29-212 (26)
aa118-269 (25)
aa129-333 (24)
aa77-232 (24)
aa78-234 (24)
aa17-103 (18)
aa226-473 (18)
aa27-192 (18)
aa27-212 (18)
aa30-208 (18)
aa36-192 (18)
aa21-155 (17)
aa37-194 (17)
aa1-142 (16)
aa1-266 (16)
aa114-288 (16)
aa20-155 (16)
aa20-164 (16)
aa24-167 (16)
aa26-103 (16)
aa28-99 (16)
aa63-233 (16)
aa63-247 (16)
aa114-333 (14)
aa21-211 (14)
aa113-271 (12)
aa18-237 (12)
aa30-212 (12)
aa24-125 (11)
aa120-208 (10)
aa386-553 (10)
Extracellular Domain (9)
aa1-73 (9)
aa115-130 (9)
aa117-268 (9)
aa23-263 (9)
aa1-155 (8)
aa1-234 (8)
aa1-360 (8)
aa1-406 (8)
aa1-99 (8)
aa10-169 (8)
aa101-270 (8)
aa103-260 (8)
aa111-204 (8)
aa115-266 (8)
aa115-288 (8)
aa116-270 (8)
aa117-269 (8)
aa118-268 (8)
aa119-217 (8)
aa132-265 (8)
aa132-267 (8)
aa148-174 (8)
aa15-152 (8)
aa158-207 (8)
aa18-113 (8)
aa18-150 (8)
aa18-207 (8)
aa18-245 (8)
aa2-157 (8)
aa2-161 (8)
aa20-102 (8)
aa20-338 (8)
aa20-92 (8)
aa21-109 (8)
aa21-166 (8)
aa21-181 (8)
aa22-158 (8)
aa22-186 (8)
aa22-213 (8)
aa22-243 (8)
aa22-245 (8)
aa221-451 (8)
aa226-318 (8)
aa226-352 (8)
aa23-155 (8)
aa23-235 (8)
aa23-253 (8)
aa23-262 (8)
aa24-101 (8)
aa24-120 (8)
aa24-148 (8)
aa24-225 (8)
aa24-96 (8)
No (999+)
Yes (64)
10His, C-terminus (2)
10His, N-terminus (4)
10His, N-terminus + Myc, C-terminus (4)
10His-SUMO, N-terminus + Myc, C-terminus (2)
6His, C-terminus (67)
6His, N-terminus (48)
6His, N-terminus + 6His, C-terminus (1)
6His, N-terminus + Myc, C-terminus (1)
6His-AVI, C-terminus (1)
6His-AVI, N-terminus (1)
6His-B2M, N-terminus (2)
6His-BBP, N-terminus (1)
6His-SUMO, N-terminus (9)
7His, C-terminus (1)
8His, N-terminus (1)
8His,N-terminus + Flag,N-terminus (1)
8His-DDK (Flag), N-terminus (1)
AVI-6His, C-terminus (2)
DDK (Flag) (2)
DDK (Flag)-Human ACRP30headless aa 16-108 (1)
DDK,N-terminus (1)
Fc (4)
Fc, C-terminus (19)
Fc, N-terminus (2)
Fc/6His,C-terminus (2)
Fc/His,C-terminus (1)
Fc-6His, C-terminus (2)
GST (36)
GST, N-terminus (11)
GST, N-terminus + His, C-terminus (1)
His (147)
His, C-Terminal (3)
His, N-Terminal (73)
His,C-terminus (22)
His,N-terminus (11)
His-DDK (Flag), N-terminus (1)
His-GST (17)
His-GST, N-terminus (6)
His-S (9)
His-SUMO (3)
His-T7 (62)
His-T7, N-terminus (1)
Human IgG Fc, C-terminus (2)
Human IgG Fc-6His, C-terminus (1)
Human IgG1 Fc (5)
Human IgG1 Fc, C-terminus (3)
Human IgG1 Fc, N-terminus (1)
Human IgG2 Fc (2)
Human IgG4 Fc, N-terminus (1)
Human Mutant IgG1 Fc (4)
Human Mutant IgG1 Fc, N-terminus (1)
mFc, C-terminus (7)
Mouse IgG1 Fc (1)
Mouse IgG1 Fc, C-terminus (1)
Mouse IgG2 Fc (2)
Mouse Mutant IgG2a Fc (3)
Myc-DDK (Flag) (112)
TRX-6His, N-terminus (1)
293F Cells (25)
HEK 293 Cells (3)
African green monkey (1)
Bovine (23)
Bovine Coronavirus (4)
Canine Coronavirus (1)
Chicken (12)
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (46)
Cow (1)
Dog (24)
Goat (1)
Guinea pig (9)
Horse (8)
Human (548)
Human Coronavirus OC43 (1)
Marmoset (1)
Monkey (1)
Mouse (217)
Pig (36)
Rabbit (24)
Rat (83)
Rhesus monkey (21)
Sheep (15)
Woodchuck (4)
Zebrafish (2)
293F Cells (23)
293T Cells (41)
A-72 cells (1)
Baculovirus (7)
CHO Cells (34)
E. coli (630)
Eukaryotic cells (1)
HEK 293 Cells (136)
Human (10)
Human Cells (69)
Insect Cells (3)
Mammalian (8)
Mammalian Cells (43)
Mouse (1)
NS1 Cells (3)
Wheat Germ Extract (35)
Yeast (57)
Purified (350)
Supernatant (4)
Low endotoxin level (494)
Biologically active (270)
Animal-free (19)
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Antibody - Human Prostate: Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE)
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Rabbit anti-Human Polyclonal Antibody
Mouse, Human
50 µl/$460
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Antibody - Western blot of TMPRSS2 antibody in HepG2 cell line lysates (35 ug/lane). TMPRSS2 (arrow) was detected using the purified antibody.
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Rabbit anti-Human Polyclonal (aa314-343) Antibody
Flo, WB
400 µl/$393
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Antibody - Western blot of TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin antibody.
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Rabbit anti-Mouse Polyclonal (aa254-490) Antibody
100 µl/$311; 200 µl/$355; 500 µl/$499; 1 ml/$571; 2 ml/$777; 5 ml/$1,261
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Antibody - Western blot of TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin antibody.
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Rabbit anti-Mouse Polyclonal (aa254-490) (Biotin) Antibody
Biotin Conjugated
100 µl/$321; 200 µl/$369; 500 µl/$527; 1 ml/$611; 2 ml/$842; 5 ml/$1,387
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Antibody - Western blot of TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin antibody.
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Rabbit anti-Mouse Polyclonal (aa254-490) (FITC) Antibody
FITC Conjugated
100 µl/$352; 200 µl/$412; 500 µl/$622; 1 ml/$777; 2 ml/$1,014; 5 ml/$1,765
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Antibody - Western blot of TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin antibody.
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Rabbit anti-Mouse Polyclonal (aa254-490) (PE) Antibody
PE Conjugated
100 µl/$412; 200 µl/$499; 500 µl/$869; 1 ml/$1,030; 2 ml/$1,345; 5 ml/$2,521
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Protein - 12.5% SDS-PAGE of human TMPRSS2 stained with Coomassie Blue
Wheat Germ Extract
GST, N-terminus
79.86 kDa
10 µg/$479; 25 µg/$670
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Protein - Recombinant Transmembrane Protease, Serine 2 By SDS-PAGE
E. coli
27.2 kDa
10 µg/$276; 50 µg/$412; 100 µg/$657; 200 µg/$822; 1 mg/$1,905; 500 µg/$1,455; 5 mg/$2,871; 2 mg/$2,090
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Antibody - Detection limit for recombinant GST tagged TMPRSS2 is approximately 3 ng/ml as a capture antibody.
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Mouse anti-Human Monoclonal (2F4) Antibody
100 µg/$335
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Protein - Western validation with an anti-DDK antibody * L: Control HEK293 lysate R: Over-expression lysate
293T Cells
Myc-DDK (Flag)
53.7 kDa
20 µg/$150
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Protein - Recombinant Transmembrane Protease, Serine 2 By SDS-PAGE
E. coli
29.6 kDa
10 µg/$282; 50 µg/$447; 100 µg/$715; 200 µg/$892; 1 mg/$2,005; 500 µg/$1,543; 5 mg/$3,123; 2 mg/$2,192
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Protein - Western validation with an anti-DDK antibody * L: Control HEK293 lysate R: Over-expression lysate
HEK 293 Cells
Myc-DDK (Flag)
53.7 kDa
100 µg/$494
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Antibody - Human Brain, Cortex: Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE)
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Rabbit anti-Human Polyclonal (aa100-470) Antibody
50 µl/$375
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Rabbit anti-Human Polyclonal Antibody
Mouse, Rat, Human
100 µg/$341
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Antibody - Antibody (0.1 ug/ml) staining of Human Pancreas Lysate (35 ug protein in RIPA buffer). Primary incubation was 1 hour. Detected by chemiluminescence
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Goat anti-Human Polyclonal (Internal Region) Antibody
Peptide-ELISA, WB
100 µg/$503
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Antibody - Western blot of recombinant TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin.  This image was taken for the unconjugated form of this product. Other forms have not been tested.
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Rabbit anti-Human Polyclonal (aa284-492) Antibody
100 µl/$309; 200 µl/$351; 500 µl/$491; 1 ml/$561; 2 ml/$755; 5 ml/$1,225
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Antibody - Human Prostate: Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE)
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Rabbit anti-Human Polyclonal Antibody
Mouse, Rat, Human
50 µl/$375
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Protein - 12.5% SDS-PAGE Stained with Coomassie Blue.
Wheat Germ Extract
GST, N-terminus
10 µg/$479; 25 µg/$670
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Rabbit anti-Human Polyclonal Antibody
Mouse, Rat, Human
50 µl/$356; 100 µl/$461
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Rabbit anti-Human Polyclonal Antibody
Mouse, Human
60 µl/$331; 120 µl/$403; 200 µl/$529
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Antibody - Western blot analysis of TMPRSS2 using NIH-3T3 whole lysates.
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Rabbit anti-Human Polyclonal Antibody
Mouse, Human
Peptide-ELISA, WB
100 µl/$282; 200 µl/$350
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Antibody - Western blot of TMPS2 Antibody with human Fetal Liver lysate.  This image was taken for the unconjugated form of this product. Other forms have not been tested.
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Rabbit anti-Human Polyclonal (C-Terminus) Antibody
100 µl/$424
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Antibody - Western blot of TMPS2 Antibody with human Fetal Liver lysate.  This image was taken for the unconjugated form of this product. Other forms have not been tested.
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Rabbit anti-Human Polyclonal (C-Terminus) (FITC) Antibody
Rabbit, Mouse, Bovine, Rat, Pig, Human
FITC Conjugated
100 µl/$469
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Antibody - Western blot of TMPS2 Antibody with human Fetal Lung lysate.  This image was taken for the unconjugated form of this product. Other forms have not been tested.
TMPRSS2 / Epitheliasin Rabbit anti-Human Polyclonal (N-Terminus) Antibody
100 µl/$424
Viewing 1-25 of 6460 product results