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Apoptosis Research Reagents
LSBio offers a wide range of products useful for differentiating the stages of apoptosis in histology and morphological analysis. Elisa kits, antibodies, proteins, biochemicals and assay kits are available to important targets in each of the major categories of apoptosis.

Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is an organized process the body uses to eliminate senescent and unnecessary cells. This process is important for normal embryologic development, endometrial cycling, and post-partum uterine myometrial regression. Apoptosis is controlled by a variety of triggers, including heat, toxins, radiation, and viral infection. Molecular factors can also induce or inhibit apoptosis, and are frequently abnormally expressed in cancers. For example, high expression of the anti-apoptotic factor BCL2 in follicular lymphomas leads to immortalization and unchecked proliferation of malignant cells. Targeting such factors is an area of active interest for cancer treatment.

LSBio's LMNA Antibody LS-B2005 is a highly specific antibody to the C-terminus of apoptotic marker Lamin A/C that shows localization to the nuclear envelope in immunohistochemistry.
More LMNA Products ->
Caspase Antibodies such as LSBio's CASP3 antibody LS-B2845 are optimal for studying apoptotic caspase activity through IHC, WB, and other applications.
More Caspase Antibodies->
Biochemical Apoptosis Activator 2 can be used to induce apoptosis in tumor cell lines by activating caspase-3 in a cytochrome c dependent manner.
BAX Elisa Kits can be used to accurately detect levels of apoptotic activator BAX protein in plasma, serum and tissue homogenates and other sample types.
More BAX Products->

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